Princess’s Pleasure

Padded Little Paradise


“Oh, sweetie… you really are just a hopeless little baby, aren’t you?”

Your mind is floating in a dreamy space, babbling with all the sycophantic intensity of the mindless submissive you know you are. Yes- yes, Princess- Yes I am! Just a silly, hopeless little baby for you-

The smile in your partner’s low, breathy voice intensifies – as does the pressure of her seductive kneading at the straining front of your fresh diaper. “Such a sweet, helpless little man… actually begging me to make him into my little baby.” She chuckles softly, and your lips tighten around your thumb, suckling with ever-greater intensity as her words twine their seductive way into your hormone-soaked brain. Yes, yes I’m begging you. I want that- I want you to make me into a baby-

Remember when you first told me your naughty little secret?” She pauses for only…

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Tumblr account was deactivated

Just a heads up I went to login to do some post for tonight and this week and got the notice my tumblr account has been terminated, I never have and any warnings or rule violations so not sure what happened. Kicking myself because I had been meaning to back it up again just in case something like this happened and hadn’t got around to it yet. I have contacted support but don’t have the highest of hopes for them doing anything.

For My Own Good

Padded Little Paradise

Image Credit:

There they were again: those five, lilting little words that had turned my world upside down.

“It’s for your own good.”

The first time I’d heard them had been at the bar, that night we’d met up and first hung out together. My stomach had been empty and the alcohol strong and the music loud, and I’d been struggling manfully against the reeling haze that clouded my senses. I had to get her safely back. Had to take her home, like the gentleman I was-

“We’ll take an Uber, Jerry. Don’t worry. It’s fine! It’s for your own good, truly…”

And it had been.

Just like it had been when, three months into our relationship, she’d persuaded me to give up smoking and go on a diet. Of course neither had been easy. But as much as I would bristle at her laughing condescension, every time she…

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It’s Just A Game

The Princess's Castle

“It’s just a fun little game,” Trudy had told her. “You have to play a game at a sleepover, right?”

Isla had kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to sound rude to her new stepsister… Or, rather, she did, but she didn’t want her stepmother to find out about it, which would almost certainly happen.

Did she blame Trudy for that? Not really… Francesca was a very stern, strict woman, and Isla couldn’t imagine what it had been like to have to grow up with her constantly there, as the only parents most of the time, judging and guiding and disciplining as she saw fit. If Isla had gone through that, and her mother had taught her to be a tattletail, she’d probably still be one at nineteen, too, just like Trudy.

It wasn’t a sleepover, though. Even putting aside the question of whether the two of them were…

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The Wishing Box

NidoSissy Captions

Life sucked.

That was all Nicole could think about as she stood behind the counter at her crappy paying job that just barely paid enough to keep her from going hungry. Between her student debt and rising inflation, Nicole was firmly stuck in a hole that was only getting deeper and deeper by the day.

Still, she smiled a little as an old lady stepped up to the counter, a regular of the store named Claudia who always made Nicole feel a little better, even on her worst days. However, that happiness was shortlived as Nicole remembered that Claudia was moving today, and this would likely be the last time she ever saw her.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Claudia asked as Nicole rung up her items, noticing the sad look in the girl’s eyes.

“I… I’m going to miss you,” Nicole replied, just barely keeping from bursting into tears.

“Me too…”…

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Daddy’s Outing

Padded Little Paradise

Image Credit:

“What’s the problem, honey? Is there something the matter with those yoga pants of yours?”

Michelle’s face is flushed with indignation as she turns to me, tugging at the waist of her burgundy Lululemons like a peevish toddler. “But- but…” And then her voice sinks down into an embarrassed, hoarse whisper. “Daddy… it’s just so big. It’s so thick. Someone’s gonna see!”

At which I merely grin and shrug good-naturedly. “Oh, really? You really think all the other people on this trail are going to be staring at your bum when they pass?” But of course I can’t help my sadistic daddydom streak as I press further. “What do you think, baby – are they going to see that nice, round, crinkly booty and figure it out? Are you scared that they’ll giggle and whisper about the great big girl back there who’s clearly wearing a

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