A Mesmerizing Stream

Padded Little Paradise

Image Credit: ABDreams.com

“Guuugghhhhhh… Whhuuuuuhhhh… Muuhh-muuhhh…”

What were these sounds coming out of her mouth? How on earth could she be doing this… and in front of hundreds of random people on the internet? What was she even doing… or thinking?

Assuming she even was thinking?

Her hand slipped rhythmically back and forth, up and down, pausing and then in its fitful stroking at the thickened bulk between her legs. Yes, she was wearing a diaper: an oversized, bulky, undeniably thick and infantile diaper. Beneath a pair of tights it might be, sure – but sheer as they were, there was zero doubt about exactly what sort of mortifyingly babyish underwear she was wearing… and in full view of everyone.

But of course. Of course her diaper was on display. No sense in hiding the very garment that was the main attraction, right?

The fingers of her right hand clenched…

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2 thoughts on “A Mesmerizing Stream

  1. This was a wonderful vignette. A whole little slice of voluntary regression in a brief few paragraphs. Or, was it really voluntary anymore? Where is the line between fetish addiction and drug addiction? Personally, I think her sedative and hallucinogenic and hypnogogic baby formula simply released her iner self to freely succumb to and dreamily embrace her wonderful infantile fetish…the life she truly wanted…not the harsh reality of adulthood.


  2. Oh, and i meant to say that i am happy that you apparently got your Tumblr account activated once again. Have we ever chatted before Sassy Ann?


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